7 Tips to Save Money on Groceries in 2023

December 29, 2022
Fresh deep purple onions are shown, with bright green stalks blurred behind them.

Food Prices Are Higher:

This topic seems to be coming up a lot lately with friends and family, and it’s clear that food prices are higher than ever these days. Many of us are looking for ways to cut our bills in half and save money on food. To help, I am sharing my 7 Tips to Save Money on Groceries in 2023.

7 Tips to Save Money on Groceries in 2023:

A close-up of frozen bright green peas are shown. Purchasing frozen produce is a great way to help you Save Money on Groceries.

1. Utilize Your Freezer

Wasting food wastes money as well. Many items that you have in your home can be frozen to extend the life of the product and help you save money on groceries.
Be sure to store items in an airtight container or freezer bag, and mark with the date purchased/frozen, plus the date you want to remove the item from the freezer.
Here are a few items that I keep frozen to save money:

  • Nuts – (Up to 6 Months)
    Nuts contain a high oil content, and once they’re opened, they go stale quickly. Freezing can extend life by about 6 months!
  • Bread – (Up to 6 Months)
    Bread freezes very well, and it’s easy to stock up when this item is on sale, and then pack the freezer with the excess. Bread easily defrosts on the counter, in original packaging, at room temperature.
  • Mushrooms – (Up to 9 Months)
    I usually buy the larger pack of mushrooms, then slice and freeze them just before nearing the end of their life. This trick saves me money and prep work for another day! Due to their high water content (about 80% – 90%), freezing mushrooms will cause a slight texture change, so I defrost these by cooking them in a skillet or pot just before adding them to my recipe.
  • Butter – (5 months for unsalted butter, 9 months for salted)
    In my family, we bake a LOT of things. I like to have emergency butter FOR DAYS, so if I find butter on sale, I always buy a little extra to put back in the freezer. The butter defrosts well in the fridge or on the counter at room temperature.
  • Egg Whites – (1 year but best within 2 months)
    This trick from Julia Child is a game-changer! I used to dread those recipes that only called for egg yolks. However, I recently learned that you could freeze egg whites! Just be sure to separate them before freezing and thaw them in the fridge.

    (If you’re looking for a use for all those extra egg whites, check out my Magic Coconut Macaroon Meringue Cookies.)
  • Cheese – (6 to 9 Months)
    This trick works particularly well for shredded cheese. I take this one step further and freeze my vegan/dairy-free cheeses directly after purchase.
    I defrost both types of cheeses either in the fridge or on the counter at room temperature (about an hour or two before use.)

Bonus: Buy frozen fruits or veggies during the off-seasons instead of overpaying for fresh. These frozen ingredients are perfect for a quick stir-fry meal, soup, pasta, or casserole.

A woman in a tan coat is shopping for groceries using a basket. She is reaching for some fresh vegetables and Save Money on Groceries.

2. Check the Unit Prices

Unit prices (or price per unit) tell you how much you’re paying for the volume of the product. For example, toilet paper may be priced per sheet, cereal per ounce, paper towels per square foot, etc. If one product seems like a deal but is priced higher per ounce then it’s not really a deal. Unit prices are usually easy to find in the store as most tags list these just below the product’s total price, and comparing these unit prices can help save money on groceries.

Bonus: Online Shoppers do not fret – there’s an app for that! Check your AppStore for “Unit Price Calculator” You can use this to calculate quickly in-store and online.

A close-up of a box filled with soup cans colored in red and white. Prices are blurred but are shown for people Save Money on Groceries.

3. Shop Multiple Stores and Use Coupons

Different stores offer different sales, and they also use their own coupons. I like to compare and shop multiple stores to save the most money, which is easier to do with internet access. This brings me to my next money-saving tip – Shopping Online!

A clean white keyboard, and iPad are shown.

4. Shop Online

Shopping online has saved me a ton of money. This allows me to view updated store prices side by side on my screen. I also compare sales, merchant coupons, and unit prices, then schedule a pick-up. If the item is no longer available when it’s time to pick up the groceries, many stores will substitute a bigger or better version for the same price. It’s a win/win in my book!

A sheet pan covered in recently roasted chickpeas is shown.

5. Alter the Recipe

Now I realize the irony of a recipe blogger suggesting someone not follow the recipe, but sometimes we all need to make substitutes! Food for Thought: Beans, chickpeas, mushrooms, lentils, and eggs are cheaper than most other proteins on the market. Swapping beef, chicken, or fish for a cooked egg will save time and money.

  • Bonus Tip: Try integrating Meatless Monday into your weekly meal plan and see how much money you can save on your grocery bill each week! If this tip is not for you, no worries! You can always switch back to meat the following week.
A brilliant breakfast spread is show. Eggs on a toasted sandwich are front and center. You can also see bread and jam and a cup of roasted coffee. Having breakfast for dinner can save money on groceries.

6. Breakfast for Dinner

This is my dad’s favorite trick, and my kids are crazy about it too. Breakfast foods are generally cheaper than dinner options, but equally – if not more filling! Try eggs, potatoes, toast, Pancakes, biscuits and gravy, sausage, waffles, fruit, etc.! You could even throw in some more unique alternatives such as; slices of cheese, breakfast sandwiches, baked beans, omelets, or even frittatas! These are all great alternatives to sneak in some dairy and veggies!

(You may also like my recipe for Sunny-Side-Up Spicy Avocado Toast using jalapeno, avocado, and a sunny-side-up egg for a quick, filling, and simple breakfast, lunch, or dinner.)

An open fridge reveals a stack of colorful Tupperware, fresh veggies and various fruits as well.

7. Plan and Stretch Your Meals Whenever Possible

There are many ways to stretch your money and save time in the kitchen by finding creative ways to use leftovers!

Let’s say I cooked a Portuguese Pork Roast in the slow cooker on the first night. For the second night, I would use the leftovers to make another meal. 

My meal plan might look something like this:

  • Night 1: Serve Portuguese Marinated Pork Roast made in the slow cooker.
  • Night 2: Use the leftovers to top a baked potato adding some cheese, and steamed broccoli. So good!
  • Night 3: Toss some leftover pork roast, cheese, and even broccoli in a casserole, a hot dish, or maybe mix it into Mac and Cheese!
  • Night 4: If I have leftover pork, I could use it in soup, sandwiches, eggs, breakfast bake, or maybe even roll it up in a flour or corn tortilla and make Easy Weeknight EnchiladasThe possibilities are just about endless.

There you have it! My top 7 Tips to Save Money on Groceries in 2023. I hope these help you keep that hard-earned cash in your bank account, and maybe even save a little extra time and effort along the way.

A deep pink backdrop is shown with a paper conversation shape.

What Are Your Money-Saving Tips?

I would love to hear from you! Leave your money-saving tips and tricks in the comment section below, to share with fellow readers and of course me!

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  1. Barbara Jones says:

    You are right on. These tips are great. The freezer is a must have. I use mine for on sale items. Thanks

    1. Absolutely, Sale items are great items to store in the freezer! Thanks for your comment Barbara! Happy Savings!

  2. Great tips! Thank you. I love to make Carnitas with left over pork roast. Your Portuguese Marinated roast would add great flavors to the Carnitas. I will have to try that, next time I make your pork roast. The only problem I have, is the roast is so good, I don’t normally have any leftovers. 😉 I will just have to make two roast in the future.

    1. Hi Gina! Thanks for commenting and sharing your tips! Making two roast sounds like a great plan and may also save time for another night! 😲
      By the way, those Carnitas sound incredible!!! I’ll have to give that a try one night soon! ❤️ Thanks Again & Have a Blessed Day!

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